Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Book
Dr. Ephraim Book is a Torah Scholar who has delivered
speeches and Torah lectures for various Jewish
After studying at Yeshiva University, Yeshivat Shaalvim
and Mesivta Tiferet Jerusalem, Dr. Book earned his
medical degree at Downstate Medical School followed
by a fellowship and faculty position at Yale University School of Medicine.
An expert in diagnosing and treating skin cancer,
Dr. Book’s passion is to teach Torah.

Rabbi Aviv Mizrachi
Rabbi Aviv mizrachi is an energetic and inspiring speaker; whose presence has spanned every hemisphere. From pulpit to outreach projects, Rabbi Mizrachi has left an impact on jewish communities in places such as India, Singapore, and Japan. His recent leadership has been in the young Israel of Aventura for half a decade, before now embarking on outreach projects at large in the thriving Miami region. We’re excited to invite Rabbi Mizrachi once again to our Sukkot program this year.

Rabbi Mendel Druck
Mendel and Rachel Druk arrived in Cancun over 10 years ago as shluchim to Cancun Mexico, and they had many ideas about how to act as Chabad emissaries. They are the leaders of a thriving jewish community in Cancun with over 150 guests for Shabbis during the summer and busy vacation months. They provide classes for local families and businessmen, meals for visitors, a summer camp and provide assistance for travelers in need. They are excited to join Royal Sukkot once again to enhance your Yom Tov experience.

Miss Lele Book - Workshop
A graduate of Manhattan High School and Michlalah seminary, Lele has always been passionate about learning and teaching Torah to young women. Her workshops are both informative and creative and have been enjoyed by many girls on the program. Lele’s goal is to infuse the Yom Tov with ideas that the girls can take home and carry with them throughout the year.